Thursday, 24 January 2008

L&R Branch Meeting & 2007 Awards Night Report & Results

Leics & Rutland Branch Meeting & 2007 Awards Night

The Leicestershire and Rutland group of Endurance GB held its seventh Branch Annual Meeting on Friday 18th January at the Conservative Club; and was well attended by members, their guests and committee members.

Chairperson Sharon Davison welcomed everyone and gave a report on the Group’s activities in 2007 and advised members of forthcoming events and changes that were envisaged for 2008.The Treasurer Lynn Hopkins gave a full and detailed report of the Groups financial matters.

The Group is trying hard to serve its existing members well and also to encourage more people to try out the sport of Endurance and to this effect an NEW Associate Membership Scheme is being introduced so that new people can savour the joys of spending time with their horse riding over beautiful countryside, at an advantageous entry fee rate. Full details will be published at a later date and will be available from any committee member or from the Groups blogspot webpage:

Or via the main egb website:

After another excellent buffet supper provided by Cresswell Caterers; Lizzie England gave a short talk about the TROT riding scheme and the plans for the Ride Welland scheme in this area.
The evening was rounded off with the presentation of the Groups Trophies for 2007:

HIGHPOINT TROPHY- Overall champion horse/pony
1st Greystone Taurus ridden by Brian Davies
2nd Island Columbus ridden by Fiona Fairhurst

OSSIE HARE MEMORIAL TROPHY- most points gained in Endurance rides
1st Cherrybell ridden by Larissa Whiley
2nd Java Sunlight ridden by Abigail Goodrich

MALLARD TROPHY- Most points gained in Leics/Rutland Competitive rides
1st Highfield Meadow Trump ridden by Maxine Beck
2nd Shardeana Dardginn ridden by Debbie Moreton

COLLEEN TROPHY- Best Novice horse
1st Northwood Lass ridden by Daniel Videla
2nd Shardeana Dardginn ridden by Debbie Moreton

VALE TROPHY- Best Veteran horse in competitive rides
1st Centaur Josephine ridden by Debbie Moreton

BELMORE TROPHY- Best Junior rider
1st Paige Brown riding King of the Pippins

PIED PIPER TROPHY-Best registered Part Bred Arab or Anglo Arab
1st Greystone Taurus ridden by Brian Davies
2nd Cherrybel ridden by Larissa Whiley

ROYAL LUSTRE TROPHY- best Registered Pure Bred Arab
1st Island Columbus ridden by Fiona Fairhurst
2nd Nawaf GB ridden by Christopher Lamin


BROUGHTON LODGE TROPHY- Highest distance in Pleasure and Social Rides
1st Aseelah ridden by Mary Geary

CRYSTAL COMAIT TROPHY- Highest distance in competitive rides under 56kms
1st MAS Kadambah ridden by Maria Lamin-Hourd
2nd Crystal Eyas ridden by Sue Marriott

MIDNIGHT STAR TROPHY- Highest distance covered by horse/rider partnership in current season
1st Saintwestwell Silver Mask ridden by Ray Davison
2nd Greystone Taurus ridden by Brian Davies


400KMS- MAS Kadambah ridden by Maria Lamin-Hourd
Nawaf GB ridden by Christopher Lamin

800 KMS-Saintwestwell Silver Mask ridden by Ray Davison
Cherrybel ridden by Larissa Whiley
Centaur Josephine ridden by Debbie Moreton

1600 KMS-Island Columbus ridden by Fiona Fairhurst
Maranello ridden by Karen Evans

2400KMS- Greystone Taurus ridden by Brian Davies

The DAVE RIGLEY TROPHY- Awarded to the person giving assistance to the group throughout the year

MARLENA TEMPLEMAN (ably assisted by her husband)
Special mention was given to Pip Russell, Heather Russell and Matt – who have also helped at most of last seasons rides.

1 comment:

Kirstie said...

Hi this message is for debbie moreton. please could you get in contact with me as i own your horses brother, and would really like to speak to you. i know its a bit of a random comment. sorry. my email is many thanks xx