Wednesday 10 October 2007

Wind Farms

Several Wind Farms are being proposed in the Vale of Belvoir . These will run along side bridleways such as The Viking Way and many other well used routes . This will cause a serious health and safety issue for many horse riders forcing them onto the already dangerous narrow country lanes .

There will be several public consultation meetings but generally these proposals have not been well publicised .

The proposed industrial wind farm at Thacksons Well Farm in the Vale of Belvoir will affect the villages of Long Bennington, Foston, Allington, Bottesford , Normanton, Staunton in the Vale and Sedgebrook. This site is being developed by Infinergy. ( you can add your comments at their website)

Public exhibitions are being held at
Allington Village Hall - Wed 10th October 4pm -8pm
Long Bennington Village Hall Fri 12th Oct 2pm -8pm

There is another site in Normanton and Beacon Hill are also being proposed with a different industrial wind farm company. This means there will be two different industrial widn farms exceptionally close . These wind turbines are not small and will be visible from great distances.

This could affect you are too so please check your area planning for anemometer's being installed . These are used to asses wind etc for potential wind farms . There are huge financial incentives being offered to land owners. Its has nothing to do with green power but more about jumping on the green band wagon to make money for the few.

It is well documented that on shore wind farms developments have greater impact on the environment and wildlife locally than the benefit of green power nationally . Off shore wind farms are the ones being backed by conservation groups .

You should be challenging their claims about wind turbines
Do we want them ?
Will they affect house values ?
Are they noisy ?
Are they efficient ?
Are they a health issue ?
Are they appropriate in the countryside ?
Will they increase accidents on the A52 and A1 and to local horse riders?

A public debate is being held organised by the local Parish Councils 7.30pm Mon 22nd Oct , Methodist Chapel , Main St, Long Bennington

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