Sunday, 4 November 2007

Leics & Rutland Trophies & Distance Awards

Please submit your yellow mileage cards to Sharon Davison asap to be eligible for the awards & trophies .

Trophies will be awarded based on the 10 best rides of the season which is the same as the national trophies .

Just to remind you of the Trophies & Awards that are awarded within the region:


HIGHPOINT TROPHY - Overall Champion, highpoint all CR's & ER's

MALLARD TROPHY - Leics & Rutland Competitive Rides
( Other Trophy winners not eligible)

CRYSTAL COMAIT TROPHY - High mileage for rides under 56km
( rides with no vet gate )

COLLEEN TROPHY - Highpoint Novice Horse

BELMORE TROPHY - Junior Rider ( 8-17yrs old)

ROYAL LUSTRE TROPHY - Registered Pure Bred Arabian

PIED PIPER TROPHY - Part Bred Arabian or Anglo Arabian

OSSIE HARE MEMORIAL TROPHY - Endurance Rides highpoint

BROUGHTON LODGE TROPHY - Pleasure & Social Rides

MIDNIGHT TROPHY - Veteran Pleasure & Social Rides

MIDNIGHT STAR TROPHY - Highest mileage in current season

VALE TROPHY - Veteran Horse Highpoint CR's & ER's


160Kms Leics & Rutland Rides

400 Kms
800 Kms
1600 Kms
2400 Kms
3200 Kms

Increments of 800 Kms are recognised with distance rosette.

Awards and group AGM will be in January 2008 please look out for confirmation of the date & location an event not to be missed!


Please let us know if you and / or you horses has upgraded this year so we can recognise your achievements.

We're also interested to know of any other achievement in other disciplines you may have won this season. We want to know about you & your horses success's.

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